You can either leave a public and unmoderated review on a legitimate third party review platform of choice (i.e.: Google, TrustPilot or Yelp), or directly with us once we've finished working on your order. Keep your eyes open for fake review sites; there are many of them at the moment and all highly ranked by Google.
Please make sure you read our few 1 and 2 star reviews as well as our many 3, 4 and 5 star ones - challenge us with any of your worries or concerns in relation to what you've seen - no matter where you read it. We're happy to go into detail.
A good mixture of constructive negative and positive reviews is a symbol of a healthy service provider. Especially if these focus on details about the quality of the work being delivered and the results for the customer.
We thrive on finding out whether our work helped you to secure your dream job or otherwise achieve your current career goals. Let's have a chat and catch up to see where you're now at on your career roadmap!
If you ever have any feedback about the way we work and what we deliver please do not hesitate to reach out; feedback like yours has helped to build us up to where we are today over two decades after James Innes first founded us!
We are proud to be one of the best CV writing services out there. As such we are increasing our review coverage; find service-specific reviews across our site (i.e.: check out our CV Writing service reviews and LinkedIn Profile Writing service reviews).
To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we use a simple average.
To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.
Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;
Came out hustling as I wanted. Alex was very helpful and polite throughout the whole process. The before and after I got are beyond comparison. Never knew how bad my CV was till now. Definitely recommend.
I liked my writer, she was lovely and an excellent wordsmith, very responsive to communication. What I didn't like is the fact that CV Center Germany gave me a consultant who has never worked in Germany before, which is rather misleading advertising and left me disappointed.
Christeline was appointed as the writer, she accurately and concisely documented all the necessary information. When I requested a rewrite, she was understanding and accommodating, providing me with the necessary support and patience.
Thank you Christeline!
The trainer called and gave me more than half an hour. Although the time was quite tight, she tried to touch all the core points. I could also ask my question at the end. Since I was out of the job search process for quite a long time now, it was a good way to refresh my knowledge.
I was quite satisfied with the writing and service. They are super friendly and offered me updates as per my requests. I highly recommend their service!
Impressed by the level of detail and thoroughness. Tons of actionable info - Great stuff!
This is my second time using the service and i was again very pleased with the results. We could build on what was done originally and Claire provided very good input on what to watch out for and tips on top of the excellent writing.
Call with Denise was just great and she was able to clearly identify whats best suited for senior roles and explained importance of her review comments and offered better clarity of what and how it should be done.
Louise was very systematic during the preparation of my resume and cover letters. She was quite fast with the resume editing. With the new resume, I got good traction from the market and landed myself in a great organization.
Luise is one of best writer i have Seen. She is very professional and will write CV accordingly your request and valid inputs provided. I am very happy how my resume is now than before. Current CV looks much more structured and professional than before.
Here you will get 100% results as per expectation and does not matter from which industry you belongs.
Thank you for your support and constructive cririque of my CV. I really learned a lot!!!